BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
- Automatic transmission
   Removal and installation of automatic transmission
   Adjustment of a drive of a gear change
   Check of level and replacement of oil of automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Check of level and replacement of oil of automatic transmission

Oil ATF is usually replaced only at repair АТ. At presence негерметичности it is necessary to check up its level.
The volume of replaced oil makes about 3.3 l.

Apply only the oils resolved by manufacturer. It is necessary to apply the oils resulted in Specifications. About possibility of application of other oils it is necessary to consult on HUNDRED.

At oil replacement it is necessary to observe special cleanliness. Even insignificant pollution leads to failure АТ.

Without filling АТ with oil engine operation is not admissible. Also towage of the car without filled with oil АТ is not admissible.


1. Check of level of oil is possible with the help щупа BMW.
2. Signs of too high level of oil: strong foaming, loss, increase of its temperature at fast movement of the car, an oil exit through an aperture for ventilation АТ.
3. Signs of too low level of oil: a clicking of valves AT, foaming, прокручивание the engine, the general functional infringements.

Oil replacement


1. Pass on the car of 15 km to warm up АТ.
2. Lift and establish the car on supports so that it has occupied horizontal position. Remove the bottom guard of an impellent compartment address to Section Removal and installation of the bottom guard of an impellent compartment.

3. Turn away a drain stopper (1) pallets картера. Collect churned butter. If oil has a burnt smell and a blackish shade, АТ demands repair.

Hand over old oil in reception point. At all do not utilise it with a household waste.

4. Turn away a jellied stopper.
5. Wrap a drain stopper with a new sealing ring. The inhaling moment makes 15 Nanometers.
6. Fill in in АТ oil to edge of a jellied stopper. Surpluses of oil clean.
7. Start the engine. Selector AT should be in the family way “P”. Include external illumination. The number of turns of idling thus will increase.
8. Once again add ATF so that it was to edge of a jellied mouth.
9. Wrap a stopper of a jellied aperture (2) with a new sealing ring. The inhaling moment makes 100 Nanometers.
10. Some times switch the selector of transfers to all positions on the idling engine.
11. Check up oil level on HUNDRED firms BMW.