BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   - Steering
      Security measures at work with a safety pillow
      Removal and steering wheel installation
      Removal and installation of the top facing of a steering column
      Removal and installation of a tip of steering draught
      Removal and installation of steering draught
      Hydropump fastening
      Removal of air and filling of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a wheel with a liquid
      Check and adjustment of corners of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Check and adjustment of corners of installation of wheels

Achievement of optimum running parametres of the car and the minimum deterioration of tyres probably only at correct position of wheels. At the raised and non-uniform deterioration of tyres, and also unstable movement the car at direct position of a steering wheel and bad controllability on turns it is necessary to make optical check of position of wheels.

To check up corners of installation of wheels without corresponding optical devices it is impossible. For this reason in the Management the description only substantive provisions on check of corners of installation of wheels is resulted.

Values of the basic corners of installation of wheels are resulted in Specifications.

Convergence, disorder, corner of a cross-section inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel, corner of a longitudinal inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel

The convergence of wheels represents a difference of distances between the wheels, their axes measured at height between edges of rims. If the distance ahead is less than behind the negative convergence, if on the contrary, a positive convergence takes place. The convergence can make 05’ 10 ’ (Е39).
Disorder and corner of a cross-section inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel reduce transfer of pushes at car movement by a steering and simultaneously reduce a friction at movement on turns.

Disorder represents a corner of a deviation of a plane of a wheel from a vertical. Forward wheels thus stand at an angle. At negative disorder, for example, distance between wheels in a point of their contact of road more than in the top point.

The corner of a cross-section inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel represents a corner between an axis of turn of a wheel and a vertical spent in a point of a contact of a wheel, looking at the car in a longitudinal direction.

Presence of corners of disorder and inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel approaches a point of contact of a wheel with road to an axis of turn of a wheel. Thanks to it the so-called radius of a roller of steering transfer decreases. The the less specified radius, the is easier driving on turn. Besides, dynamic influence on a car steering essentially decreases.

The corner of a longitudinal inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel represents a corner between an axis of turn of a wheel and a vertical in a point of contact of a wheel, looking at the car sideways. The longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn of a wheel essentially influences straightforwardness of movement of the car. Presence of a longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn of a wheel provides return of operated wheels to position of rectilinear movement, in particular, at movement on bad roads and at influence of a lateral wind.

Conditions of check of corners of installation of wheels

a) Forward wheels are put directly
b) Pressure of air in tyres corresponds to the set
c) car Loading corresponds to the normal:
      • 2 х 68 kg in front,
      •  1 х 68 kg behind in the centre,
      • 1 х 21 kg in the centre of a luggage carrier,
      • the  fuel tank is completely filled

d) car Suspension brackets strongly прожаты
e) the Steering is adjusted
f) Backlashes in interface of steering draughts lie within admissible values
g) Ljufty of a suspension bracket lie within admissible values
h) the Height of position of the car corresponds to the set.