BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   - Steering
      Security measures at work with a safety pillow
      Removal and steering wheel installation
      Removal and installation of the top facing of a steering column
      Removal and installation of a tip of steering draught
      Removal and installation of steering draught
      Hydropump fastening
      Removal of air and filling of hydrosystem of the amplifier of a wheel with a liquid
      Check and adjustment of corners of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

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Security measures at work with a safety pillow

   •  Replacement and the control of a pillow of safety should be spent only on HUNDRED. In no event it is impossible to spend any constructive changes on a pillow.

   • a  Steering wheel having a pillow of safety, it is necessary to replace only with a wheel resolved by the manufacturer of the car.

   •  it is not necessary to paste over or fit a surface of a pillow of a steering wheel or to perform any other works with it. The pillow can be cleared only the towel dry either moistened with water or a cleaner resolved by the manufacturer of the car.

   • the  Pillow of safety does not replace seat belt application. The people who are in the car, should be fastened belts.

   • the  Seat of the driver should be adjusted according to the sizes of a body.

   •  it is not necessary to have ahead of a children's seat. Children till 12 years should be transported only on back сиденьи.

   •  Between a pillow of safety and the person it is impossible to place any subjects.

   • the  Cover of a pillow of safety cannot be used in quality of a shelf.

   •  If as a result of failure the safety pillow has worked, it is necessary to replace the management block, knot of a pillow of safety and the contact block with the new.

   •  Before manufacture of works with a pillow of safety or an electric equipment it is necessary to disconnect a negative cable from the storage battery. Then it is necessary расстыковать штекерное connection on a steering column.

   •  to Store a safety pillow it is necessary so that its amortisation layer looked upwards.

   • the  Removed and not worked pillow of safety should be stored in a premise the easy approach in which is closed.

   •  It is impossible to process a pillow of safety greasing, cleaners or similar structures.

   •  Knot of a pillow of safety and the management block ударочувствительны. If the pillow has been dropped from height more than 50 sm, it cannot be applied more. At falling from smaller height the pillow is necessary for checking up on HUNDRED.

   •  By manufacture of welding works it is necessary to attach the plug of a welding cable in immediate proximity from a welding place. The cable of weight of the storage battery is necessary for disconnecting, and the negative plug of the battery to isolate to exclude possibility of casual contact. Расстыкуйте also штекерное pillow connection to газогенератору.

   • the  knot of a pillow of safety and the management block to subject even to short-term influence of temperature above +75С is not supposed. The damaged elements of a pillow are not subject to repair. Unapproved opening of elements of a pillow is not supposed. Before installation again check up, whether the cable of weight of the storage battery is disconnected.

   •  In no event it is impossible to utilise a safety pillow independently. Danger of explosion!.

   •  Observe security measures at work with the device of a tension of a belt, address to Security measure Section at the reference with the device of a tension of a belt.