BMW 5 series E39Since 1996-2001 of releaseRepair and car operation |
BMW E39 + Introduction + The maintenance instruction + Current leaving and service - The engine + Procedures of repair of the engine - System of greasing of the engine The scheme of a contour of circulation of oil Check of pressure of oil Removal and pallet installation картера Removal, installation and check of the oil pump + Systems of cooling, heating + The power supply system and release + Engine electric equipment + Manual transmission + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Electric equipment schemes + System of onboard diagnostics Записи, смотреть онлайн порно видеочат. |
The scheme of a contour of circulation of oil Engines BMW have greasing under pressure. The oil pump sucks in oil through a grid from the pallet картера and submits it under pressure to system through the oil filter. Through the central axis of a filtering cartridge the cleared oil arrives in the main oil highway. If the filter is littered, oil through перепускной the valve arrives directly in system without clearing. After the oil filter it is established редукционный the valve supporting pressure nearby 4 bar. At increase of pressure of oil the valve opens and merges oil in the pallet картера. From the trunk main there are branches for greasing of bearings of a cranked shaft. Through inclined channels oil moves to шатунным to bearings and therefrom to the bottoms of pistons and to cylinders. Simultaneously impellent oil through vertical tubes moves in a head of cylinders, greasing there bearings of camshafts, jacks клапанных backlashes and directing valves. Throttle channels provide giving of necessary quantity of oil for greasing listed above elements in a head of cylinders. Besides, oil arrives to a chain of a drive of the mechanism of distribution with натяжителем and at the petrol engine to приводной chains of the oil pump. |