BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
- Systems of cooling, heating
   - Cooling system
      Check of system of cooling
      Removal, installation and thermostat check
      Removal and installation of the fan and муфты the fan
      Removal and installation of a broad tank
      Removal and radiator installation
      Removal and installation of the pump of a cooling liquid
   + Heater
   + Air conditioner
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and installation of the pump of a cooling liquid

The pump of a cooling liquid is set in motion from клинового a belt. Ahead on a pump shaft it is fixed крыльчатка the fan.


1. Merge cooling liquid.
2 Remove клиновой a belt, address to Section Removal, installation and a tension клинового a belt. 3 Remove a radiator.
4 Turn away bolts of fastening of a pulley. Thus keep a belt from проворачивания, having compressed it. Remove a pulley from a nave.

2. Turn out four bolts of fastening of the pump of a cooling liquid. At the 6-cylinder engine nuts instead of the bolts shown on an illustration turn away. Address to an accompanying illustration.

3. Screw two bolts М6 in apertures (the marksman on an accompanying illustration) and in regular intervals wring out the pump from the engine. Watch that the pump has not warped. At the diesel engine carving apertures for отжима the pump are vertically the friend over the friend, (arrows on previous иллюстр.).


1. Remove squeezing bolts. A sealing ring of the pump replace on new and grease with silicone oil or vaseline.
2. Establish the pump with a new lining and in regular intervals fix it. The moment of an inhaling of bolts depending on a carving is presented in Specifications.
3. Fix four bolts of fastening of a pulley the moment offered by Specifications.
4. Establish клиновой a belt and pull it, address to Section Removal, installation and a tension клинового a belt. 5. Establish a radiator, address to Section Removal and radiator installation.
6. Fill system with a liquid and remove air, address to Section Replacement of a liquid of system of cooling. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of system of cooling.
7. Start and warm up the engine. Check up шланговые joinings and the pump on tightness.