BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   + Ignition system
   + System of preheat of the diesel engine
   - Charge and start systems
      Removal and installation of the storage battery
      The maloobsluzhivaemaja storage battery
      Check of the storage battery
      The self-category of the storage battery
      Gymnastics of the storage battery
      The generator - the general data
      Security measures at work with the generator
      Check of pressure of gymnastics of the generator
      Removal and generator installation
      Check and replacement of brushes of the generator and pressure regulator
      Removal and starter installation
      Removal, check and installation of the electromagnetic traction relay
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

The maloobsluzhivaemaja storage battery

The car is equipped so-called малообслуживаемыми with storage batteries. These batteries at carrying out of service demand only electrolit addition.

Thus it is necessary to observe following rules:

      • the  battery Cover has a ventilating aperture through which the battery can "breathe". To exclude an electrolit exit, it is not necessary to incline the battery on a corner more than 45 .

      •  For a battery charge can be used usual зарядные devices. The battery can be charged also the device for fast gymnastics. In this case the battery for a charge is necessary for removing.

      •  If the electronic device is applied to a charge, the battery can not to remove and to be disconnected. Electronics зарядного devices protects the battery from pressure throws.

      •  it is necessary to apply To a charge of strongly discharged battery only the electronic device. At gymnastics usual devices the initial current of a charge is very high that can lead to damage or even to the battery category.

      •  At low level of electrolit, for example after long stay in areas with a hot climate, it is necessary to fill in the distilled water in the battery.

      •  If the car is not maintained, it is necessary to charge the battery each six weeks.

      •  If the car will not be maintained more than six weeks, remove the storage battery and store its charged. The recommended temperature of storage of the battery from 0 to +27С. At this temperature the battery is discharged in the minimum degree. Not later than in 3 months the battery is necessary for charging. Otherwise it can fail.

      •  Regularly clear poles of the battery and grease with their vaseline or greasing for plugs.

      •  Start from the extraneous storage battery should be spent in exceptional cases since in this case the battery is exposed to influence of very big short-term overloads.