BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   + Ignition system
   + System of preheat of the diesel engine
   - Charge and start systems
      Removal and installation of the storage battery
      The maloobsluzhivaemaja storage battery
      Check of the storage battery
      The self-category of the storage battery
      Gymnastics of the storage battery
      The generator - the general data
      Security measures at work with the generator
      Check of pressure of gymnastics of the generator
      Removal and generator installation
      Check and replacement of brushes of the generator and pressure regulator
      Removal and starter installation
      Removal, check and installation of the electromagnetic traction relay
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Check of the storage battery

Check of level of electrolit

Electrolit level should be in separate sections between marks MIN (1) and MAX (2). If level more low, remove stoppers (3) and add the distilled water.

Pressure check

Pressure characterises a condition of the storage battery and is measured by the voltmeter between separate poles of the battery.


1. Disconnect the storage battery, address to Section Removal and installation of the storage battery.

2. Before check the battery should be not less than 2 hours disconnected.

3. Attach the voltmeter to poles of the storage battery and measure pressure. Address to an accompanying illustration.
If pressure makes: 12.7 In or above - the battery in a good condition
12.5 In - the battery in a normal state
12.3 In or more low - the battery in bad condition, is necessary a gymnastics or replacement

4. Attach the battery, address to Section Removal and installation of the storage battery.

Check of the storage battery under loading


1. Attach to poles of the battery the voltmeter.
2. Start the engine and check up pressure.
3. At the moment of engine start at completely charged battery pressure should not fall more low 10 In (at electrolit temperature nearby +20С).
4. If pressure sharply falls also electrolit density in various sections is various, the battery is damaged also it it is necessary to replace.

Check of density of electrolit
(Does not concern the unattended storage battery)

Electrolit density together with pressure provide guidance on a condition заряженности batteries.


1. Remove stoppers from the battery.

2. For check of density of electrolit serves денсиметр. The above the electrolit density, the above emerges a float денсиметра. On a scale денсиметра it is possible to establish electrolit density in g/ml or degrees to Boma (+ Ве). Characteristics of a charge of the storage battery are resulted in Specifications.