BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
- Manual transmission
   Removal and installation РКПП and АТ
   Removal and installation of the lever of a gear change
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and installation РКПП and АТ

Here removal РКПП is described. Recommendations about removal АТ are resulted separately.


1. Disconnect a cable of weight from the storage battery. The battery is in a luggage carrier behind the right lateral facing.

At a battery detachment the data in electronic blocks of memory, for example, memories of malfunctions of the engine is erased. Address to recommendations Has undressed Removal and installation of the storage battery.

2. Lift and establish the car on supports and remove system of release of the fulfilled gases, address to Section Removal and installation of system of release.
3. Disconnect at РКПП a cable of the lever of switching of a reverse gear.

4. Turn away bolts of fastening and disconnect from РКПП a disk карданного the hinge. That the disk was not deformed, turn on only nuts, without touching bolts.

5. Take away карданный a shaft aside and remove from an aligning pin.

Adhere карданный a shaft a wire to a body. Do not suppose its crisis in the hinge.

6. Turn away bolts of fastening and remove the holder of the bottom guard of an impellent compartment (1) both (2) and the heat-shielding screen (3).

7. Remove the working cylinder of a drive of coupling.

Do not disconnect a hydrowire, address to Section Removal and installation of the working cylinder of coupling.

8. Disconnect from both parties from the stabilizer press bars. Thus keep a wrench a spherical support for sides on a turn-key basis. Reject the stabilizer upward.


A little raise РКПП by means of garage a jack. After that turn away bolts of fastening and disconnect a cross-beam from the bottom (an arrow on an accompanying illustration).

10. Lay between the pallet картера and a beam of a forward suspension bracket a wooden lining or special tool BMW 11 7 370 not to damage the pallet.

11. Lower a box a garage jack.

12. Bring the second garage jack in a forward part of the engine, since. After removal РКПП the engine can overturn forward.

13. Remove lock скобу (4) from draught of switching. Remove washers (5) from both parties of draught and take out draught.

14. Reject upward a screw-driver a finger of draught of switching. Take out a finger.

Automatic transmission


1. Disconnect a cable of a drive at АТ, address to Section Adjustment of a drive of a gear change.
2. Расстыкуйте штекерное connection at АТ, having opened a stopper.
3. Turn away bolts of fastening and remove the holder маслопровода, going to an oil radiator, at the pallet картера.

4. Disconnect the holder (1) маслопровода at АТ. Take out маслопроводы. Address to an accompanying illustration.

For gathering of following oil substitute capacity. Hit of pollution in маслопроводы is not supposed. Close their polyethylene and fix rubber rings.

5. Uncover sideways at an aperture (1) bottom parts of the block of cylinders. Turn on a narrow head one after another three bolts of fastening of the converter of a twisting moment. Watch that bolts have not fallen in the block. That bolts remained in a groove, turn the engine for a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft.

6. Bring under АТ a garage jack and the corresponding tool. АТ it should be supported only for картер, instead of for the pallet картера.
7. Turn away bolts of fastening АТ to the engine. Fastening bolts are located also, as well as at РКПП.

8. Watch that the converter was not displaced. For this purpose at картера АТ bring pincers the flat party to the converter and press it. If to bring pincers it is impossible, at removal АТ watch that the converter has not slipped out from АТ. Disconnect АТ from the engine.

9. Turn out bolts of fastening by head Torx.

10. Disconnect АТ from the engine and by means of the assistant take away back.


1. Before installation check up coupling, address to Section Removal, installation and coupling check.
2. Check up ease of a course of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling. Grease the bearing with plastic greasing “Molykote Longtherm 2”, address to Section Removal and installation of the mechanism of deenergizing of coupling.
3. Grease with a thin layer of plastic greasing “Microlude GL 261” шлицевые grooves of primary shaft РКПП. Do not put too much greasing. Otherwise it can get on frictional surfaces of coupling that will lead to its unsatisfactory work. The quantity of put greasing corresponds to the size of corn grain.
4. Include any transfer.

Check up, whether adjusting plugs (1) and (2) between the engine and РКПП stand still.

5. Raise a box and enter it horizontally into coupling. If at installation the primary shaft is not fixed in a conducted disk of coupling, turn it behind for a flange карданного a shaft a hand.

6. Screw bolts of fastening Torx РКПП to the engine. Do not forget about washers. The moments of an inhaling of bolts Torx and bolts with шестигранной a head are resulted in Specifications
7. Raise РКПП and fix a cross-beam the moment resulted in Specifications.
8. Establish the working cylinder of a drive of coupling, address to Section Removal and installation of the working cylinder of coupling.
9. Grease fingers of draught of switching with plastic greasing “Kluber Polylub GLY 801” and insert. A stopper take away back.
10. Insert draught. Put on a finger of a washer and fix a lock washer. For РКПП further execute paragraphs, since following item 9 of "a performance Order" for automatic transmission.

Automatic transmission


1. Turn the twisting moment converter so that apertures at plates showed in the centre of apertures of a flywheel. Enter into a plate the special tool (оправку).

2. At interface of the engine with АТ three laths of fastening on the twisting moment converter should coincide with three ledges on laths of a flywheel of the engine. To combine them then it is impossible. It can lead to damages.

3. Establish АТ and cautiously insert оправку into an aperture on a lead. After transmission fastening оправку turn out.

4. Clean pincers at картера АТ and screw three bolts of fastening of the converter in apertures АТ. Tighten bolts the moment of 45 Nanometers. At replacement of bolts apply only the original.

5. Remove заглушки with маслопроводов and connect маслопроводы with АТ to new consolidations. Fix holders маслопроводов.
6. Fix holders маслопровода at the pallet картера the engine.
7. Join штекерное connection at АТ. Fix it.
8. Establish a cable of drive АТ and adjust it, address to Section Adjustment of a drive of a gear change.
9. Fill АТ with oil, address to Section Check of level and replacement of oil of automatic transmission.
10. Establish карданный a shaft, address to Section Removal and installation карданного a shaft.
11. Fix cross-beam АТ on the bottom and transmissions by the moment of 20 Nanometers. Clean a garage jack.
12. Fix the heat-shielding screen.
13. Establish system of release of the fulfilled gases, address to Section Removal and installation of system of release.
14. Fix the stabilizer on press bars new self-stopped nuts the moment of 60 Nanometers.
15. Fix the bottom guard of an impellent compartment.
16. Attach a weight cable to the storage battery. Establish hours. Program radio receiver stations.