BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Electronic control by rigidity of shock-absorbers (EDC)
      Removal and installation of an amortisation rack
      Dismantling of an amortisation rack/shock-absorber. Removal and installation of a screw spring
      Check and shock-absorber recycling
      Removal and installation of the bearing of a wheel
      Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket
      Removal and installation of the lever of a cross-section suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket

After beam installation it is necessary to check up geometrical parametres of a forward suspension bracket.


1. Fix on the engine the load-lifting device and turn away bolts of fastening of support, address to Section Removal and pallet installation картера.
2. Mark with a paint position of forward wheels in relation to a nave. Thanks to it отбалансированное the wheel will occupy the former position. Ослабьте bolts of fastening of a wheel on the standing car. Lift and establish the car on supports. Remove forward wheels.
3. Disconnect draughts at a suspension bracket beam. Preliminary remove caps.
4. Disconnect cross-section levers at a suspension bracket beam.
5. Remove the heat-shielding screen and the holder of the screen of the engine.
6. Bring outside a support under an amortisation rack.

7. Measure length вворачивания () both steering draughts, mark or count at отворачивании number of turns and write down the received value.
8. Turn away a counternut (the marksman on an accompanying illustration) and turn out steering draughts.

9. Turn away bolts of fastening and remove from a beam the steering mechanism.

10. Turn away bolts of fastening and remove from a beam of a suspension bracket the stabilizer of cross-section stability.
11. Bring under a suspension bracket beam a garage jack.
12. Turn on on three bolts of fastening at the left and on the right beams and lower it downwards. For this purpose around back bolts partially remove facing.

Fastening bolts have various length. Write down it.


1. Establish a beam of a forward suspension bracket and fix bolts to a beam of the engine the moment of 75 Nanometers. Insert both short bolts behind.
2. Fix bolts the stabilizer on a beam of a suspension bracket the moment of 20 Nanometers.
3. Fix the steering mechanism on a beam new self-stopped nuts the moment of 40 Nanometers.
4. Screw steering draughts on earlier measured size (), address to an illustration 7.8. Fix draughts counternuts the moment of 45 Nanometers.
5. Establish the heat-shielding screen and the holder of the screen of the engine.
6. Fix the cross-section lever and draught on a beam of a forward suspension bracket new self-stopped nuts. Do not tighten a nut.
7. Fix engine support, address to Section Removal and engine installation.
8. Remove from the engine the load-lifting device.
9. Fix forward wheels. Bolts of fastening of wheels with oil do not grease. Establish wheels so that the marks put earlier have coincided. Lower the car on wheels. Tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel cross-wise the moment of 100 Nanometers.
10. Establish the car in normal position. Following conditions should be for this purpose satisfied:
   a) the Car should stand on wheels.
   b) Forward seats should be on the average position.
   c) Each seat should have loading of 68 kg.
   d) On a back seat in the centre there should be a cargo in weight of 68 kg.
   e) In the luggage carrier centre there should be a cargo in weight of 21 kg.
   f) the Fuel tank should be completely filled.
11. Fix draught on a forward beam new self-stopped nuts the moment offered by Specifications. Put on caps.
12. Fix the cross-section lever on a forward beam offered by Specifications the moments.