BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Electronic control by rigidity of shock-absorbers (EDC)
      Removal and installation of an amortisation rack
      Dismantling of an amortisation rack/shock-absorber. Removal and installation of a screw spring
      Check and shock-absorber recycling
      Removal and installation of the bearing of a wheel
      Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket
      Removal and installation of the lever of a cross-section suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and installation of an amortisation rack


1. Remove a support of a brake and adhere its wire to a body, address to Section Removal and installation of a brake disk/support of a forward brake.

Do not disconnect a brake hose. Otherwise after assemblage it is necessary to remove air from system

2. Take out from the holder cables ABS both the gauge and deterioration brake колодок. Расстыкуйте штекерные connections in a plug box.

3. Disconnect from the stabilizer a bar, having turned away a nut. The stabilizer from проворачивания keep a wrench.

4. Remove the hinge of steering draught at a rotary support, address to Section Removal and installation of a cable of a lay brake.

5. Check up, whether marks of position of the amortisation rack, put on manufacturer are visible. Otherwise put a paint a strip which is continuation of a backlash of the basic bearing.

6. Bring under an amortisation rack from below a garage jack that the rack after its branch has not fallen.

7. Turn away a nut of fastening of an amortisation rack, take out a bolt.

8. Dissolve шлиц a rotary support and fix its position. Repair trucks for this purpose apply special tool

9. Uncover an amortisation rack.

10. Расстыкуйте штекерное connection of the electronic control of amortisation if it is available, and uncover a cable.
11. Turn away three nuts of fastening (arrow) of a support of an amortisation rack.

12. Press a rotary support the lever, for example the extension piece of a face head, downwards so that to overturn a rack outside from a wheel casing.

For this purpose the assistant is required. Watch to damaging a wheel casing. A wing cover (2). If necessary remove the bottom guard of an impellent compartment, address to Section Removal and installation of the bottom guard of an impellent compartment.

13. Squeeze out the big screw-driver or mount the shock-absorber from a rotary support.

Do not separate an amortisation rack from a rotary support rotary motions. It can lead to occurrence radial рисок, leading to rack damage.


1. Insert an amortisation rack into a rotary support so that marks have coincided with position шлица on a support.
2. Cautiously insert an amortisation rack into a wheel casing and fix its moment of 20 Nanometers at the top support.
3. Join штекерное connection of the electronic control of amortisation if it is available, and close its cover.
4. Establish a cover on a support of an amortisation rack.
5. Press a rotary support a garage jack upwards against the stop. Pay attention to marks on a rack.
6. Insert tightening a bolt and tighten its new self-stopped nut the moment of 80 Nanometers.
7. Establish steering draught at a rotary support, address to Section Removal and installation of a cable of a lay brake.
8. Establish wheels directly.
9. Fix a bar of the stabilizer a new self-stopped nut the moment of 60 Nanometers.
10. Join штекерное connection ABS and the gauge of deterioration brake колодок. Fix connection in the holder.
11. Establish a brake support, address to Section Removal and installation of a brake disk/support of a forward brake.