BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
- The power supply system and release
   + The power supply system
   - System of injection of the petrol engine
      Memory of malfunctions
      Security measures and rules of observance of cleanliness at work with injection system
      Work of system of injection
      Check of systems of ignition and injection
      Adjustment of a drive of gas
      Removal and installation of a branch pipe throttle заслонки
      Removal, check and installation of the valve of adjustment of idling
      Check, removal and installation of the gauge of temperature
      Check of injectors
      Removal and installation of injectors
   + The power supply system of the diesel engine
   + System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Check, removal and installation of the gauge of temperature

Both gauges of temperature take temperature of a cooling liquid and soaked up air and transfer to its block of management. Gauges are contained by element NTC (NTC — Negative temperature factor), reducing the resistance at temperature increase. At damage of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid the management block accepts as settlement value resistance at temperature +80С. Malfunction of gauges at low external temperature and the cold engine leads to complications at start of the engine and its unstable work.


1. Расстыкуйте штекерное connection of the corresponding gauge. Position of gauges is resulted in subsection "Removal".
2. Attach to contacts of the gauge an ohmmeter.
3. Measure resistance and compare it to a preset value. Preset values are resulted in Specifications.
4. If resistance does not correspond set, remove the gauge.
5. Fix the gauge a wire and lower it in capacity with water so that it did not concern walls. Cool water ice and after that heat up on a plate. At the set temperature take out the gauge and measure resistance between contacts. If resistance does not correspond set, replace the gauge.
6. If the gauge is serviceable, attach the voltmeter between the tip of the gauge and weight.
7. Include ignition. Demanded value: about 5 V.Esli pressure are not present, check up serviceability of a wire of a food.
8. Check up a weight wire if it is available.
9. If wires and temperature gauges are perfectly in order, it is necessary to search for malfunction somewhere in other place.

Removal of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid


1. For an exception вытекания liquids at gauge removal preliminary partially merge it, address to Section Replacement of a liquid of system of cooling. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of system of cooling.
11 Uncover the engine at a soaking up pipe and disconnect at a head of cylinders joining for ventilation картера as it is described in Section Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline.

2. The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid is under the inlet pipeline in a forward part of the engine (the marksman on an accompanying illustration).

3. Расстыкуйте штекерное connection also disconnect the gauge.



1. Screw the gauge of temperature with a new sealing ring and tighten its moment of 20 Nanometers.
15 Join штекерное connection, fix its clip.
16 Fix a ventilation hose картера at a head of cylinders. Establish an engine cover.
17 Fill system with a liquid and remove from it air, address to Section Replacement of a liquid of system of cooling. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of system of cooling.
18 Pass on the car and check up tightness of joining of the gauge of temperature. If necessary tighten connection.
19 Consider contents of memory of malfunctions of block DME. After elimination of malfunctions clear memory.
Removal of the gauge of temperature of soaked up air
20 Turn away screws of fastening and remove a branch pipe throttle заслонки, address to Section Removal and installation of a branch pipe throttle заслонки.

Do not disconnect a drive of gas and hoses of a cooling liquid of heating throttle заслонки.

2. Press the lock button (the marksman on an accompanying illustration) on the temperature gauge. Thus the gauge take out downwards from the inlet pipeline.


1. Fix the gauge of temperature with a new lining effort of 20 Nanometers.
2. Join штекерное connection, fix the tip a clip.
3. Establish a branch pipe throttle заслонки, address to Section Removal and installation of a branch pipe throttle заслонки.
4. Put on soaking up hose and fix it хомутиком.
5. Deduce the given memories of malfunctions of block DME. After elimination of malfunctions remove the data from memory.