BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
- Brake system
   Antiblocking system
   Removal and installation of lobbies brake колодок
   Removal and installation of a brake disk / of a support of a forward brake
   Removal and installation back brake колодок
   Removal and installation of back brake supports
   Removal and installation of a brake disk of back wheels
   Measurement of a thickness of a brake disk
   Brake liquid
   Removal of air from brake system
   Replacement of brake pipelines
   Replacement of a forward brake hose
   Check of the vacuum amplifier of a brake
   Removal and installation brake колодок a lay brake
   Adjustment of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of a cable of a lay brake
   Check and replacement of the switch of a stoplight
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and installation back brake колодок


1. Mark with a paint position of a wheel concerning a nave. Thanks to it отбалансированное the wheel can be established in former position. Ослабьте bolts of fastening of a wheel on the car standing on the earth. Lift and establish the car on supports and remove a wheel.

If brake колодки will be applied again, at removal it is necessary to mark them. Shift колодок is not supposed by places. It can lead to non-uniform braking. It is necessary to establish only original колодки firms BMW or resolved by firm. All is obligatory back колодки replace simultaneously even if one of them yet has not reached a deterioration limit.

2. Расстыкуйте fingers штекерное connection of the gauge of deterioration колодок on the right support (an arrow on an accompanying illustration). Do not pull thus for a cable.

3. Remove both plastic caps (1) screws of fastening and turn out a face key two screws.

4. Remove a screw-driver скобу (3).

5. Remove a support back.

6. Remove external колодки.

7. Internal колодка it is fixed by a spring (6) in the brake piston. Take out колодку.


At removed brake колодках do not press a brake pedal, differently the piston can be squeezed out from the case.


1. Check up the gauge of deterioration brake колодки. If isolation of a contact plate is wiped, cable isolation the plastic element is damaged or erased, replace the gauge.

2. Clear a brush from soft metal or wipe a rag moistened in spirit directing surface brake колодки in an aperture of the case. Do not apply for this purpose the solvents containing mineral oils or the tool with sharp edges. If колодки will be applied again, clear as well them.

3. Before installation колодок check up a brake disk on presence задиров, having felt its fingers. At presence задиров it is necessary to replace a disk. The brake disk having grey or blue colour before installation new brake колодок clear.
4. Measure a thickness of a disk, address to Section Measurement of a thickness of a brake disk.

5. Check up a protective cap (2) on the piston. In the presence of damages replace, since. Penetration of a dirt into the cylinder can lead to an exit to loss of tightness of a support. A support for this purpose it is necessary to remove and disassemble (work HUNDRED).

6. Press on the piston the special adaptation. For this purpose it is possible to take advantage also wooden бруском (for example, the hammer handle). Thus will pay special attention on, that the piston did not warp, and also on to damaging a protective cap.

By pressing the piston the brake liquid from the cylinder is squeezed out in the tank. Watch it and if necessary suck away a liquid.

7. For отсоса liquids the plastic bottle is applied. Do not apply for this purpose a bottle for a drinking liquid. The brake liquid is poisonous. In no event it is impossible to suck away her mouth through a hose. After replacement brake колодок do not suppose, that level of a brake liquid in the tank exceeded a mark “Max”, since. At heating the liquid extends. The liquid acting from system flows down on the main brake cylinder, damaging a paint and varnish covering and leading to corrosion.

At the big deterioration brake колодок check up ease of a piston stroke. For this purpose into a support insert wooden брусок and ask the assistant to press a brake pedal. The piston should be put forward and pressed easily. Watch to squeezing out completely the piston. If the piston moves hard a support demands repair.

8. For an exception of a gnash of disk brakes grease with special paste specified below a detail. As such paste it is possible to apply the following: Plastilube, Tunap VC 582/S, Chevron SRJ/2, Liqui Moly LM-36 or LM-508-ASC.
   a) the Surface прилегания the piston to brake колодке.

   b) Clear a surface прилегания (3) supports and grease the places shaded on an accompanying illustration with a thin layer of paste.

   c) Clear скобу at directing and grease with a thin layer of special paste in the places shaded on an accompanying illustration.

Paste should not get in no event on a protective cap, brake колодку or on a brake disk. If paste has got on the specified surfaces, at once wipe its spirit or replace a protective cap.

Back plate brake колодки do not grease.

9. Insert brake колодку with a spring into the piston.

10. Insert external brake колодку (9) into a support and establish a support on a brake disk. Watch that brake колодки were pure.

11. Check up external survey two bolts of fastening of a support. If necessary clear a carving of a dirt, and a carving in a support pass a tap. Bolts with the damaged carving or rust traces replace. Tighten bolts a face key of 7 mm the moment of 30 Nanometers.

Bolts only clear, do not grease them.

12. Put on caps bolts.

13. Join штекерное connection of gauges of deterioration on the left side of the car. The wire should pass in a loop of a cap of the union of prorolling of air.

14. Put on a support скобу.
15. Establish and fix forward wheels. Do not oil fastening bolts. Wheels establish so that the marks put at removal have coincided. Lower the car on wheels, tighten fastening bolts cross-wise the moment of 100 Nanometers.

Some times strongly press a brake pedal so that resistance was felt. Thus brake колодки will nestle on a disk and will occupy the working position.

16. Check up level of a brake liquid in the tank. If necessary add it to mark MAX.
Attention, check up reliability:
   a) whether brake hoses Are fixed?
   b) whether the brake hose in the holder Is fixed?
   c) whether Will tighten the union of removal of air?
   d) whether Enough a brake liquid in the tank?
   e) On the working engine check up tightness of system. For this purpose press a pedal of a brake effort 200 - 300 Н (20 - 30 kg) and hold it during 10 with. The effort of pressure of a pedal of a brake to a foot should not weaken.
   f) Check up all connections on tightness.

24 New brake колодки should be earned extra. For this purpose some times brake the car since speed of 80 km/hour till the speed of 40 km/hour not strong pressing a pedal. Between separate pressing allow to a brake to be cooled.

The first 200 km of run it is not necessary to brake strongly the car.

Brake колодки it is necessary to utilise in special way. Do not utilise them together with a household waste.