BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
- The maintenance instruction
   Controls, devices and control lamps
   Zapornye devices and the anticreeping alarm system
   The salon equipment
   Safety systems
   Fuel refuelling, start and engine stop
   Lay brake
   Manual box of a gear change (РКПП)
   Automatic transmission (АТ) *
   The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at a parking (PDC) *
   System of automatic stabilisation of stability with a regulator of traction effort (ASC+T)
   Electronic adjustment of rigidity of amortisation (EDC) * and adjustment of a road gleam
   Heating and ventilation system
   Automatic кондиционер*
   Independent systems of heating and ventilation
   System самодиагностики*
   The travelling computer
   The Katalitichesky converter
   Antiblocking system of brakes (ABS)
   Movement with the trailer
   Luggage carrier on a roof
   Automobile телефон*
   Radio reception
   Readjustment of headlights
   Automobile radio receiver
   Audiosystem of type Hi-Fi with DSP*
   Sign emergency остановки*
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

The travelling computer

Information call

Already after ignition key turn in position 1 you can, using the lever of the switch of indexes of turn, to cause on the display of an instrument guard the information of the travelling computer. After each short-term pressing the lever in a direction to a steering column the next information is deduced.
Execution of displays can be various depending on a complete set of your car.

Temperature of external air and the average expense of fuel

Already after ignition key turn in position 1 value of temperature of external air always is automatically highlighted. As a result of short-term pressing the switch of indexes of turn this indication is replaced by indication of the average expense of fuel.

Stock of a course and average speed

After the average expense of fuel the information on a rough stock of a course which is calculated taking into account an actual mode of driving on last kilometres of a way is highlighted.

Following pressing the switch of indexes of turn leads to occurrence of indication of average speed of movement. Time of parking with the switched off engine at calculations is not considered.

Indication deleting

If during occurrence of indication of average speed quickly to press the lever of the switch of indexes of turn it is possible to clean the information of the travelling computer from the display.

Having pressed button CHECK, it is possible to erase any indication travelling компьютера*. In that case only available messages of system of automatic diagnostics will be highlighted.

The beginning of new readout

If you keep the lever of the switch of indexes of turn in the pressed position new calculation of the average values of the expense of fuel deduced at the moment on indication and will be made speed. Thus the engine should work.