BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
- The maintenance instruction
   Controls, devices and control lamps
   Zapornye devices and the anticreeping alarm system
   The salon equipment
   Safety systems
   Fuel refuelling, start and engine stop
   Lay brake
   Manual box of a gear change (РКПП)
   Automatic transmission (АТ) *
   The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at a parking (PDC) *
   System of automatic stabilisation of stability with a regulator of traction effort (ASC+T)
   Electronic adjustment of rigidity of amortisation (EDC) * and adjustment of a road gleam
   Heating and ventilation system
   Automatic кондиционер*
   Independent systems of heating and ventilation
   System самодиагностики*
   The travelling computer
   The Katalitichesky converter
   Antiblocking system of brakes (ABS)
   Movement with the trailer
   Luggage carrier on a roof
   Automobile телефон*
   Radio reception
   Readjustment of headlights
   Automobile radio receiver
   Audiosystem of type Hi-Fi with DSP*
   Sign emergency остановки*
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Automatic transmission (АТ) *

Automatic transmission of yours BMW is equipped by an adaptive control system (AGS). The adaptive control system of a transmission (AGS) chooses for the cars equipped АТ, the most comprehensible mode of a gear change, considering thus set of factors. The system takes into consideration your individual style of driving, traffic conditions, a condition of road and a transport situation.

System AGS defines your individual style of driving, estimating position and a course of a pedal of an accelerator, delay at braking and the cross-section accelerations influencing the car on turns. - from exclusively comfortable to focused on the maximum use of possibilities of the car - system AGS chooses the most suitable from four various variants in the present state of affairs.

With a view of the account of traffic conditions the system registers turns, liftings and biases. At passage of turns at great speed it does not make switchings on the raised transfers. On liftings switching on the raised transfers is carried out only at high frequency of rotation that it is better to use мощностные engine possibilities. On descents the system makes switchings on hill-climbing gears if it registers increase in speed of the car and pressing of a pedal of a brake.

As to the account of a condition of road system AGS supervises coupling factor between tyres and a road cloth. On snow or at ice it is automatically switched to the winter program. For трогания from a place the second transfer is used, switchings on the raised transfer are carried out beforehand, and on descents in mountains, despite pressing of a pedal of a brake, switchings on hill-climbing gears are not carried out. It allows you is more thin to feel a situation and promotes большей to traffic safety. As soon as the system distinguishes road with good coupling properties, it will be switched to the usual program. The winter program also is disconnected, if you translate control lever АТ from position “D” in position “S”, “3” or “2” and also if you switch off system ASC+T.

System AGS in a condition to define a transport situation that provides the greatest possible comfort. So, for example, she distinguishes movement in "stoppers" and leaves included only the second transfer until will define increase in the capacity spent for dispersal.

Certainly, the automatic transmission can be operated and manually. You can use completely car possibilities if will translate control lever АТ from position “D” in position “S”, “3” or “2”. Positions “3” and “2” limit as much as possible admissible transfer. Position “2” serves, first of all for movement on abrupt mountain roads, at the big loading of the car.

Positions of control lever АТ

P, R, N, D, S, 3, 2
Indication of the chosen transfer is various and caused by a complete set of your car.

Change of position of control lever АТ

Engine start-up is possible only at installation of control lever АТ in position Р or N.

Before inclusion of transfer of a forward course press a brake pedal as the car if such transfer is included, slowly will move even idling.

Having translated the lever in the position corresponding to a forward course, wait the moment of inclusion of transfer accompanied by a little push, and only after that press an accelerator pedal.

Before you leave the car with working engine, translate control lever АТ in position Р or N and tighten a lay brake.

On the forward party of the handle of control lever АТ is available (the button of blocking preventing erroneous transfer of the lever in some of positions is shown by an arrow).

For blocking removal press the button.

At erroneous transfer of the lever in position N at movement on high turns at once dump gas. Wait, while the engine will not reach idling turns and after that translate the lever in the necessary position.

Р - lay position
Include only after a car stop.

R - a backing
Include only after a full stop of the car.

N - neutral position
Include only at long breaks in movement. Inclusion is on the move supposed only in case of danger of drift of the car.

D - the basic mode of movement with an automatic gear change
This position corresponds to a normal mode of movement. All transfers all transfers of a forward course are automatically switched. System AGS functioning is not limited absolutely not.

S - the sports program
At such position of control lever АТ system AGS uses exclusively sports program. АТ makes switchings before 4th transfer (at BMW 525tds before 5th transfer).
It is recommended to pass to the sports program in the event that - irrespective of an actual manner of driving - there is a desire to realise the mode of a gear change focused on use of the available stock of capacity.

3 and 2 - movement on mountain roads and in a braking mode
Include for restriction of number of working transfers, for example, on steep slopes or descents in mountains. Switchings are carried out automatically, however only before the chosen limiting transfer.
In position 3 the sports program joins.
Position 2 thanks to corresponding selection of transfer numbers especially conveniently at trailer towage.

The transmission is switched to a hill-climbing gear at corresponding falling of speed.

Mode of the maximum acceleration (Kick-Down)

Joins by pressing of a pedal of an accelerator against the stop. Thus АТ lowers transfer for the greatest acceleration of the car.

Electronic control system of a gear change

If the control lamp lights up, or on the display of system of automatic diagnostics there is a message “Getriebenotprogramm” (the Emergency program of management of a transmission), that, means, there was a malfunction or in electronics operating switchings, or in the box.

Thus possibility of transfer of control lever АТ in any of positions remains, however at inclusion of a forward course the car will move only on the fourth or fifth transfer.

Therefore follows, avoiding the raised loadings, to reach to the nearest СТОА BMW.

Works in подкапотном space in no event cannot be spent at installation of control lever АТ to movement position.

Rules of start-up of the engine and from the external accumulator, and also towage of the faulty car are stated by towage in Razdele Poddomkrachivanie and towage.

System Steptronic*

Though your car also is equipped АТ with system AGS, you, nevertheless, can use and a manual gear change.

For a manual gear change translate control lever АТ from position D to the left on line M/S. Thereby you make active the sports program of a gear change. A lever contact in a direction “+” or “-” you give a command to system Steptronic on a gear change translate the lever to the right in position D.

Possible positions of the lever of the selector

P, R, N, D, M/S


— The adaptive program
— The sports program
— Manual switching
— Switching on the raised transfers
— Switching on hill-climbing gears

Indication of position of control lever АТ is various depending on a car complete set.

The adaptive program (position D of control lever АТ) will allow you to use advantages of system AGS.

To manual switching you will find explanatories in mode M/S more low.

Change of position of the lever

On the forward party of the handle of control lever АТ is available (it is shown by an arrow) the button of blocking preventing erroneous transfer of the lever in positions R and R.Dlja of removal of blocking it is necessary to press this button.

Engine start-up is possible only at installation of control lever АТ in position Р or N.

Before inclusion of transfer of a forward course press a brake pedal as the car if such transfer is included, slowly will move even idling.

Having translated the lever in the position corresponding to a forward course, wait the moment of inclusion of transfer accompanied by a little push, and only after that press an accelerator pedal.

If you wish to leave the car, without switching off the engine translate control lever АТ in position Р or N and tighten a lay brake.

At erroneous transfer of the lever in position N at movement on high turns at once dump gas. Wait, while the engine will not reach idling turns and after that translate the lever in the necessary position.

Р - lay position
Include only after a full stop of the car. Driving wheels are blocked.

R - backing transfer
Include only after a car stop.

N - neutral position
Include only at long breaks in movement. Inclusion is on the move supposed only in case of danger of drift of the car.

D - the basic mode of movement with an automatic gear change
Corresponds to a normal mode of movement. All transfers of a forward course are automatically switched. System AGS is in working order.

Mode of the maximum acceleration (Kick-Down)

For fast acceleration the accelerator pedal can be pressed with transition for position of full gas. There should be thus passed a point of the raised resistance.

M/S - The Manual mode and the sports program
At transition from mode D in mode M/S the sports program to what occurrence of letter S on the indicator of the chosen program of a gear change testifies becomes more active.

In position S system AGS uses only the most sports program of a gear change. АТ it will be switched only before 4th transfer.

It is recommended to pass to the sports program in the event that - irrespective of an actual manner of driving - there is a desire to realise the mode of a gear change focused on use of the available stock of capacity.

If you translate the lever forward in a direction “+” the box is switched to the raised transfer, and while translating the lever in a direction “-” it is switched to a hill-climbing gear. Simultaneously the first contact causes transition to a hand control.

On the indicator of the chosen transfer depending on a car complete set it is highlighted 1... 5 or М1... М5.

Inadmissible switchings on raised or hill-climbing gears are ignored, for example, switchings on hill-climbing gears at too high turns of the engine are not carried out. On an instrument guard for some time there is an indication of the chosen transfer. At consecutive performance of several switchings for short time inadmissible transfer is highlighted chosen by last. Then on indication the transfer included at the moment is deduced.

At movement in a manual mode for acceleration from 4th or 5th transfer at low speed - for example, at overtaking - switching on a hill-climbing gear should be carried out manually or and function use “Kick-Down”.

Switching from M on Р, R, N is possible only through position D.

System "Steptronic" thinks for you in following situations:
- In order to avoid an exit of frequency of rotation of the engine on inadmissible values, shortly before achievement of frequency of the rotation limited to a regulator, switching on the raised transfer is made.
- On low speed switching on a hill-climbing gear is made without your intervention.
- Use of function of the maximum acceleration causes switching on the lowest transfer which only is possible at the given frequency of rotation.

Depending on a situation, for example, in winter conditions, трогание from a place it can be carried out on 2nd or 3rd transfer.

Electronic control system of a gear change

If the control lamp lights up or on the display of system of automatic diagnostics there is a message “Getriebenotprogramm” (the Emergency program of management of a transmission), that, means, there was a malfunction or in electronics operating switchings, or in the box.

Thus possibility of transfer of control lever АТ in any of positions remains, however at inclusion of a forward course the car will move only on the fourth or fifth transfer.

Therefore follows, avoiding the raised loadings, to reach to the nearest СТОА BMW.

Works in подкапотном space in no event cannot be spent at installation of control lever АТ to movement position.

Rules of start-up of the engine and from the external accumulator, and also towage of the faulty car are presented by towage to Razdele Poddomkrachivanie and towage.