BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   Diagnostics of malfunctions of an onboard electric equipment - the general information
   Safety locks
   Fusible inserts
   Chain breakers (thermal relays)
   The relay
   Relay check
   Check of lamps накаливания
   Check of electric motors
   Check of electric switches
   Check of switches of lamps and electric motors
   Check of gauges
   Check of the electric motor of a screen wiper
   Stoplight check
   Check of a heater of back glass
   Removal and switch installation
   Removal and installation of the gauge of temperature
   Removal, installation and check of a sound signal
   Remote control initialization by the uniform lock
   Adjustment of range of light of headlights
   Removal and installation of the electric motor of adjustment of range of light
   Replacement of safety locks
   Arrangement of safety locks
   Illumination devices
   Replacement of lamps накаливания
   Removal and headlight installation
   Adjustment of headlights
   Removal and installation of a back lantern
   Removal and installation of the block of the panel of devices
   Replacement of lamps of the block of the panel of devices
   Removal and installation of the switch of signals of turn/screen wiper
   Removal and radio receiver installation
   Screen wiper
   Replacement of brushes of a screen wiper
   Removal, installation and adjustment snuffled стеклоомывателя
   Removal and installation of a drive of a screen wiper/cover
   Removal and installation of the electric motor of a screen wiper
   Check and pump replacement стеклоомывателя
   Work with electric schemes
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

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Removal and installation of a drive of a screen wiper / of a cover

Screen wiper drive

1 — the screen wiper console
2 — the screw
3 — the electric motor
4 — a crank
5 — a bolt
6 — the bearing plug, oval

7 — the bearing plug, round
8 — the bearing plug, round
9 — a ring демпфера, the top part
10 — a ring демпфера, the bottom part
11 — a spring washer
12 — a nut


1. Mark position of levers of a screen wiper on a windscreen. For this purpose it is possible to take advantage of a sticky tape.

2. Remove covers from fastening nuts. For this purpose it is possible to take advantage, for example, of a small screw-driver.

3. Turn away a nut.

4. Remove both levers of a drive of a brush from outside the forward passenger.

Do not deform the lever. It can break! The lever from the bearing remove a special stripper, for example, BMW-616000.

5. Remove upwards a cover of the left lever.
6. Turn away a nut on the bearing of a brush and remove the lever upward.

7. Remove an adjusting washer of the lever from the bearing. The washer sits very strongly. For its removal the special stripper, for example BMW-616000 is required, address also to an illustration 4.

8. Remove upwards rubber consolidation on a forward partition.

9. Disconnect collars (2) at air channels (1) at the left and on the right. Turn channels to the car centre. For this purpose disconnect them from байонетных clips.

10. Remove an insert of the filter of soaked up air (3) at the left and on the right, address to Section Replacement of the filter of air of salon.

11. Take out sideways скобу (4). Disconnect behind the case of the filter (3) and remove it.

12. Uncover воздухоподвода. For this purpose open eight clips, having taken out a screw-driver pins.
13. Turn away screws of fastening and uncover a drive of brushes.

14. Uncover a cable, having turned preliminary on 90 all clips.

15. Расфиксируйте also remove multiitem штекерное connection. For this purpose displace downwards the clamp lever. Thanks to it the tip is disconnected from contacts.
16. Turn away five bolts of fastening of a drive of a screen wiper and take out it.


1. Insert a drive of a screen wiper and fix bolts by hand. Expose a drive so that it has occupied the position.

2. Fix a drive () bolts in sequence with 1 on 5 moment of 10 Nanometers.
3. Join штекерное connection and fix it.
4. Establish a cover of cables and fix its four clips.
5. Fix screws a drive cover.
6. Establish a cover воздухоподвода. Fix its clips.
7. Establish the case of the air filter and fix it in front скобой.
8. Establish on the right and at the left filters of pure air, address to Section Replacement of the filter of air of salon.
9. Insert the air channel in байонетный a shutter and fix it, having turned outside. In the end of turn insert the channel at first downwards at the filter, then press and fix a plastic collar. Move the channel every which way, having checked up reliability of its fastening. The second channel establish similarly.
10. Put rubber consolidation on a forward wall.
11. Establish an adjusting washer of the left lever of a cleaner and expose according to earlier put marks. Watch that the corner of installation of a brush to a windscreen made nearby 90 . If the corner differs from specified displace the lever and an adjusting washer. Fix the lever and an adjusting washer the moment of 40 Nanometers.
12. Fix a cover of the left lever.
13. Establish into place both levers of a drive of the right cleaner.
14. Fix nuts the moment of 25 Nanometers and later 15 mines once again tighten the moment of 25 Nanometers.
15. Put on covers fastening nuts.