BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   Care of a body
   Care of the panels of furnish made of vinyl
   Care of an upholstery and salon rugs
   Repair of insignificant damages кузовных panels
   Repair of considerable damages of a body
   Kuzovnye backlashes
   Removal and installation of a forward bumper
   Removal and installation of shock-absorbers of a forward bumper
   Removal and installation of a back bumper
   Removal and installation of the shock-absorber of a back bumper
   Removal and installation of a forward wing
   Removal and cowl installation
   Adjustment of position of a cowl
   Removal and installation of a cover of a luggage carrier
   Adjustment of position of a cover of a luggage carrier
   Removal and installation of back facing of a luggage carrier
   Removal and installation of the lock of a cover of a luggage carrier/cylinder of the lock
   Removal and installation газонаполненного an emphasis of a cowl/cover of a luggage carrier
   Overlay replacement / a firm inscription
   Removal, installation and door adjustment
   Removal and installation of facing of a door
   Removal and door-lock installation
   Removal and installation of the external handle of a door
   Removal and installation of the cylinder of the lock
   Removal and installation of the electric motor/microswitch of the uniform lock
   Removal, installation and adjustment of door glass
   Removal and installation electric стеклоподъемника
   Removal and installation of an external mirror
   Removal and installation of glass of a mirror
   Removal and installation of the case of an external mirror
   Removal and installation of an internal mirror
   Removal and installation of the central console
   Removal and electric motor installation сдвижной panels of the hatch of a roof
   Removal and installation of a forward seat
   The device of a tension of a seat belt
   Security measures at the reference with the device of a tension of a belt
   Protection of the device of a tension of a belt
   Removal and installation of a back seat
   Removal and shelf installation under a headdress
   Removal and installation of jalousie of back glass
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Removal and electric motor installation сдвижной panels of the hatch of a roof


1. Take out by means of a small screw-driver a lamp of internal illumination. Расстыкуйте штекерное connection.

2. Remove a screw-driver a peak. Расстыкуйте штекерное switch connection.

3. Turn out screws Torx a head of 25 mm.

4. Take out the electric drive of the panel and расстыкуйте штекерное connection.


1. Insert the electric drive of the panel and attach it. Fix its two short screws (2) and one long (1) moment of 3 Nanometers. Apply necessarily new screws. If new screws are not present, old grease with means for fixing LOCTITE 270.

2. Join the switch tip, establish into place a cover.
3. Join штекерное connection of a lamp of internal illumination and put it into place.

Initialization сдвижной panels of the hatch of a roof


1. Establish the panel in lifting position, press and keep the panel switch in a direction “Hebestellung” (“lifting Position”).
2. Keep the switch in position of lifting during 5 with:
   a) after each deenergizing of a food or
   b) after panel adjustment.
3. Keep the switch in position of lifting during 20 with:
   a) after malfunctions in work
   b) electric drive detachments
   c) works with тросовыми drives.
4. Initialization is considered finished if the switch is once again pressed in a direction “lifting Position”.