BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
- Current leaving and service
   The routine maintenance schedule
   Current leaving
   The general information on adjustment
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in them
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and level WITH
   Replacement of an element of the air filter
   Replacement of the filter of air of salon
   Check of brake system
   The visual control of the bottom and body elements
   Check of level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
   Wheels and tyres. Rotation, replacement, balancing and leaving. Snow chains. “Секретки” wheels. Elimination of trembling of a wheel
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment
   Condition check приводных belts
   Check of a condition of the battery, care it and gymnastics. Replacement of an element of a food брелка ДУ
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of functioning of fuel system. Winter operation of the Diesel engine
   Check of functioning of system of cooling
   Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Greasing запорных devices
   Visual check of seat belts
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Replacement of a brake liquid
   Replacement of a liquid of system of cooling. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of system of cooling
   Sediment removal, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils of a manual box of a gear change
   Replacement of a lubricant liquid of differential
   Check of a thickness of a conducted disk of coupling
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in them

Car BMW of 5th series depending on model and the equipment has tyres and disks of the various sizes. Along with width of a disk in the important parametre its start is also. The start represents distance between a longitudinal plane of a disk of symmetry of a rim and a fixing plane of a wheel.

All disks have so-called хампы, representing a belt, выпрессованный on a rim of a disk and interfering displacement бескамерной tyres at abrupt turn of the car.

At installation of tyres and-or the disks which have been not specified in engineering specifications on the car, it is necessary to bring corresponding records in the documentation. For this purpose firm BMW permission, as a rule, is required.

Tyres and the disks recommended for BMW, are resulted in Specifications.

Regular check of a condition of tyres will allow you to avoid the troubles connected with stops in a way because of the lowered wheel. Besides, such checks give the valuable information on possible problems with a steering and a suspension bracket before occurrence in them of serious damages.

Tyres are equipped by the built in strips of indication of deterioration of a protector which are bared at decrease in depth of a protector to 1.6 mm then tyres are considered worn out. This size represents is minimum admissible depth of a protector; the tyres, which depth of a protector of 2 mm and less in most cases is recommended to replace. Depth of a protector also can be defined by means of the simple and inexpensive adaptation known under the name of a measuring instrument of depth of a protector.

Pay attention to any unusual deterioration of protectors. Such defects of a protector as cavities, cambers, уплощения and stronger deterioration on the one hand specify in infringement of corners of installation of forward wheels and-or wheel balancing. At revealing any of the listed defects it is necessary to address for their updating in шиномонтажную a workshop.

Carefully check the tyre on presence of cuts, punctures and got stuck nails or buttons. Sometimes after протыкания tyres a nail it still some time holds pressure or lowers very slowly.

Поддомкратьте the car also spray a soap solution on a protector, slowly turning a wheel - in a puncture place there will be small vials

At suspicion on presence such “a slow puncture” at first check up tightness of a nipple of the gate of a rating. Then examine a protector on presence at it got stuck strangers of subjects or the punctures closed up earlier which has started over again to pass air. If there is a suspicion that there is a puncture, to make sure of its presence it is possible, having moistened a suspected site with soap water. In the presence of leak the solution will start to bubble. If not too big, the tyre it is usually possible to repair a puncture in any шиномонтажной a workshop.

Carefully examine internal lateral surfaces of tyres on presence on them of signs of leak of a brake liquid. If those are available, immediately check up brake system.

Maintenance in tyres of correct pressure increases term of their service, helps to save fuel and improves the general quality of driving. The special manometre is necessary for pressure check.

Always hold an exact manometre in the ware box. Indications of the manometres which have been built in nozzles of air hoses at stations of service, often happen inexact.

Always check pressure upon cold tyres (i.e. to a trip on the car). If to check pressure on warm or разогретых tyres, it will lead to overestimate of indications of a manometre because of thermal expansion of tyres. In this case never it is necessary to lower pressure since after cooling of the tyre it will appear below norm.

Check pressure of air in tyres once a month, and also at carrying out THAT. The table with instructions of pressure of air is on a rack of a door of the driver and in Specifications.

To prolong service life of tyres, check pressure in them not less often than once a week by means of an exact measuring instrument (do not forget about a spare wheel!)

Screw together a protective cap from the gate of a rating acting from a disk of a wheel or from a cap of a nave, then densely press to the gate a manometre nozzle. Consider instrument readings and compare them with recommended in Specifications. Do not forget to establish into place a protective cap for hit prevention in the mechanism of a nipple of a dirt and a moisture. Check up pressure in all four tyres and if necessary pump up them to the recommended value of pressure.

Do not forget to support demanded pressure and in a spare wheel.

Examples of characteristic deterioration of protectors of tyres

Lateral deterioration

Insufficient pressure (deterioration from both parties)

Insufficient pressure in the tyre leads to its overheat at movement owing to an excessive deflection therefore the protector does not nestle sufficiently on a road surface. It leads to loss of coupling with road and to excessive deterioration of a protector, not to mention danger of an exit of the tyre out of operation as a result of an overheat.

Check up and adjust pressure.
Wrong disorder of wheels (deterioration on the one hand)
Repair or replace suspension bracket details.
Too sharp turns
Reduce speed!

The central deterioration

Superfluous pressure

Superfluous pressure in the tyre leads to the accelerated deterioration of the central part of a protector, decrease in coupling with road, to more rigid movement and increase of danger of fatal damage of a slope.

Check up and adjust pressure.
If you had to pump up tyres for transportation of heavy cargoes to specified for this purpose in Specifications of value of pressure, do not forget after that to pit it at transition in a normal mode of operation.

Non-uniform deterioration

Tyres of forward wheels can non-uniformly wear out as a result of infringement of adjustment of corners of installation of wheels. To check up and adjust installation corners it is possible for a moderate payment in the majority шиномонтажных workshops.

Wrong disorder or выбег
Repair or replace suspension bracket details.
Defect of a suspension bracket
Repair or replace suspension bracket details.
Wheels are debalanced
Make balancing of wheels.
Convergence of forward wheels is incorrectly established
Check up corners of installation of forward wheels.

обтрепанность edges of a pattern of the protector, being a deterioration sign, is better comes to light наощупь.

Check of the gate of tyres


1. Turn away a cap from the gate.

2. Wet with saliva a few gate. If the air vial is thus formed, turn a zolotnik of the gate (3) turned cap-key (2).

The cap-key can be applied to a tightening of an insert of the gate (2) only. Such caps-keys can be got at gasoline stations. 1 - a rubber protective cap, 4 - the gate.

If there is a suspicion that there is “a slow leak” tighten a zolotnik of the gate 3 turned cap-key 2

3. Again check up the gate. If the vial of air or the gate is again formed not wrapped, replace it (work HUNDRED).
4. Necessarily establish into place a protective cap.

Check of a protector of the tyre and reliability of fastening of a wheel


1. Tyres отбалансированных wheels at observance of the established pressure of air, correct installation of wheels and correct work of shock-absorbers wear out in regular intervals on all surface. To tell something defined about service life of those tyres or other manufacturers difficultly, since. It depends on various factors, namely:
   -   Road surfaces
   -   Pressure of air in tyres
   -   Management style the car
   -   Atmospheric conditions
2. The reasons of faster deterioration of tyres are first of all a sports management style, sharp трогание about places and strong braking.

Rules deterioration of a profile of the tyre to depth of 1.6 mm is authorised, i.e. Depth of flutes on all surface should make not less than 1.6 mm. However it is recommended to replace for safety reasons the tyre already at the minimum depth of a profile of 2 mm.

3. If depth of a profile comes nearer to is minimum admissible, i.e. Indexes of deterioration in the size of 1.6 mm in many points of a circle of the tyre show absence of a profile, it is necessary to replace tyres. Indexes of deterioration of a profile are located on all circle of the tyre. Address to an accompanying illustration. Their arrangement is designated sideways by an inscription “TWI” and a sign “s”. TWI - Tread wear indicator.

Tyres M + S (winter) are effective on slush and snow if depth of a profile makes not less than 4 mm.

The arrangement of indexes of deterioration is designated sideways by an inscription “TWI” and a sign “s”. TWI - Tread wear indicator

Check up presence on tyres of cuts. Depth of cuts can be defined by means of a small screw-driver. If cuts reach a skeleton at penetration of water it can lead to corrosion of a steel belt. As a result of it the working surface of the tyre can separate from a skeleton and the tyre collapses. Therefore in the presence of deep cuts it is necessary to replace the tyre.

4. For definition of deterioration of the tyre use a measuring instrument of depth of a protector - they are on sale in shops of automobile accessories and at service stations, and stand very cheaply.

5. Tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel cross-wise the moment of 100 Nanometers. Do not oil bolts or greasing.