BMW 5 series E39

Since 1996-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

+ Introduction
+ The maintenance instruction
- Current leaving and service
   The routine maintenance schedule
   Current leaving
   The general information on adjustment
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in them
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling of the engine and level WITH
   Replacement of an element of the air filter
   Replacement of the filter of air of salon
   Check of brake system
   The visual control of the bottom and body elements
   Check of level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
   Wheels and tyres. Rotation, replacement, balancing and leaving. Snow chains. “Секретки” wheels. Elimination of trembling of a wheel
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment
   Condition check приводных belts
   Check of a condition of the battery, care it and gymnastics. Replacement of an element of a food брелка ДУ
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Check of functioning of fuel system. Winter operation of the Diesel engine
   Check of functioning of system of cooling
   Check of a condition of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Greasing запорных devices
   Visual check of seat belts
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Replacement of a brake liquid
   Replacement of a liquid of system of cooling. Check of frost resistance of a cooler. Visual check of system of cooling
   Sediment removal, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils of a manual box of a gear change
   Replacement of a lubricant liquid of differential
   Check of a thickness of a conducted disk of coupling
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
+ System of onboard diagnostics

Sediment removal, replacement of the fuel filter. Removal of air from fuel system of the diesel engine


Gasoline is extremely inflammable, therefore at work with any components of fuel system it is necessary to accept special safety measures. Do not smoke and do not come nearer to a place of work with open fire or the redurable not protected by a lamp shade. Do not make such works in the garages equipped with heating devices, working on natural gas (such, as водогреи, dryers, etc.). The working platform should be ventilated well. At gasoline hit on a skin immediately wash off its water with soap. At carrying out of any works with fuel system put on goggles and hold near at hand the fire extinguisher.

Replacement of the filter of the petrol engine

The necessary tool:
   a) the Jack and supports.
   b) Two small clamps for зажимания fuel hoses.
   c) Capacity for gathering of following gasoline.
Are necessary also:
   d) the Fuel filter for the corresponding engine.
   e) Two collars, for fastening of pipelines of giving of fuel.


1. Dump pressure in fuel system.
2. The fuel filter is located on the left longitudinal beam under a seat of the driver. It is accessible only from below.
3. Lift and establish the car on supports. Remove the bottom guard of an impellent compartment, address to Section Removal and installation of the bottom bottom guard of an impellent compartment.
4. Remove facing around the filter.

5. Press clamps hoses before and after the filter. Address to an accompanying illustration.
6. Ослабьте collars (1) and (3) also disconnect fuel hoses at the filter.
7. Ослабьте a coupler (2) filters also take out the filter.

Collect following gasoline in capacity and utilise it, observing requirements on preservation of the environment. Do not use open fire. Keep in readiness the fire extinguisher.



1. Insert the fuel filter and fix the holder. Watch correct position of the filter. The arrow on the filter case specifies in a direction of movement of fuel, i.e. in an engine direction. Address to an accompanying illustration.
2. Put on fuel hoses branch pipes (1) and (2) fuel filters and fix collars.

3. Remove clamps.
4. Include neutral transfer and a lay brake. Start the engine and check up tightness of fuel connections.
5. Establish covers and lower the car on wheels.

Removal of water and replacement of the fuel filter of the diesel engine

Replacement of the fuel filter of the diesel engine is made each 40000 km.

At performance ТО-1 (each 10 000 km of run, but are not more rare than an once in a year), it is necessary to delete water from the fuel filter of the diesel engine.

Water is formed, as a rule, in a fuel tank as a result of condensation or gets together with fuel on a filling station.

The filter is in an impellent compartment, on the left side. The corresponding capacity is necessary for water gathering.

The diesel fuel which has got on rubber details (hoses of a cooling liquid), should be immediately wiped, since differently eventually the detail will fail.

Water removal


1. Put on a drain branch pipe corresponding hose of 8 mm. Substitute capacity for liquid gathering.

2. Turn on a hand on some turns a nut (2) under the filter. If manually the nut does not turn away, it is possible to apply a trumpet key with a leather or cardboard lining.
3. Before occurrence of pure fuel from the filter can merge about 200 sm3 of water. Wrap by hand the gate of removal of water.

4. Disconnect the giving pipeline to ТНВД at the top part of the filter. Thus compress a clip. Ask the assistant to start the engine until from the filter fuel will not go. Stop the engine. Thus from the filter air quickly leaves. Address to an accompanying illustration.

For gathering of following diesel fuel substitute the corresponding capacity.

5. Put on a fuel hose. The damaged lining replace. For simplification of putting on of a hose grease a branch pipe with technical vaseline. Start the engine. Some times give gas. Through the transparent hose going to ТНВД, there should be a fuel which is not containing vials of air. Check up tightness of system.

Filter replacement


1. Merge from the filter a liquid, as at water removal.

2. Turn on hands the fuel filter from a flange. If the filter sits very strongly, turn on its tape key, for example, HAZET 2170. Address to an accompanying illustration.

3. If the tape key is not present, turn out two bolts of fastening at the top part of the filter and remove the filter with a flange. Preliminary disconnect submitting and returnable fuel hoses, having compressed скобы. Besides, расстыкуйте штекерное connection of heating of a flange of the filter. A flange clamp in a vice.
21 Fill the new filter to edges with fuel and turn his hand for a flange.

Do not wrap the filter too strongly. After прилегания linings to a flange the filter tighten for a half-turn. Pay attention to the instructions resulted on a cover of the filter.

22 If necessary establish a filter flange together with the filter and attach the tip and a hose of giving of fuel. Replace the damaged lining. For simplification of installation grease a lining with vaseline.
23 Ask the assistant to start the engine until fuel will not act from the filter. Stop the engine. Thus from the filter air quickly leaves.

Collect following diesel fuel.

24 Attach to the filter a hose of the fuel pump. The damaged lining replace. For simplification of installation grease a lining with vaseline.
25 Start the engine. Some times give gas. Through the transparent hose going to ТНВД, there should be a fuel which is not containing vials of air. Check up tightness of system.